The Domestic Hostile Environment First Aid Training or D-HEFAT® course builds on a program started in the 1990’s that was originally designed for the Media who would be working internationally in dangerous locations like war zones.

The D-HEFAT® class is two-day, intensive safety course that covers a wide range domestic risks and hazards that are appropriate to working in unstable environments in the United States or locations where political instability, civil unrest or mass protest are possible.

The 2-day D-HEFAT® class is designed for journalists covering civil unrest and other assignments within the United States that may be classified as low to medium risk.
The instructors are all working journalists or safety advisers with extensive experience working in the field who also have a background in either emergency medical services, public safety or have served in the military.
Course Topics
- “STOP THE BLEED” Catastrophic Bleeding / Emergency First-Aid Program
- Threats & Hazards
- Personal Safety
- Violence Against the Media
- Situational Awareness
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Mental Wellness & Resilience – Self Care / Stress Management
- legal Issues
- Active Shooters Responses
- Street Crimes / Assault Prevention
- Weapons Awareness & Crowd Dynamics
- Low Response Reporting & Natural Disasters
- Working with PIO’s and Government Officials
- Verbal De-Escalation
- Digital Security

The idea of the D-HEFAT Course was conceived on paper in 2017 and finalized in 2018 by Photojournalist and Safety Trainer, Chris Post.
Chris worked with other US based experts and highly respected international HEFAT trainers to craft a course that was specific to the threats for domestic / non-combat areas.
Chris has over 20 years experience employed in Public Safety (Fire and EMS) in the US and also internationally. Chris is a recognized expert in media safety and regularly speaks on the topic. Chris is also a trainer who teaches disaster response, emergency medical services and public information officer courses for state, local and federal government agencies. Chris also works as a staff Photojournalist for a TV station in the Philadelphia market.