International Media Support Group is proud to be an Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI) Education Center.

We offer a wide range of safety, health and first aid certification courses to our media partners. Being ready to deal with emergencies means having the best educational program available to train you and your staff. Partnering with ECSI allows us to bring you the most up to date curriculum endorsed by several major medical organizations.
We are offering certification courses in these topics.
- Advanced First Aid, CPR, and AED
- Basic Life Support (BLS) for the Health Care Provider
- Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens
- CPR and AED
- ECSI Course
- Emergency Medical Responder
- First Aid
- NICA Approved Courses
- Oxygen Administration
- Pet First Aid and Disaster Response
- Sports First Aid and Injury Prevention
- Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED
- Wilderness First Aid
A bit of History about ECSI courses: The Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI) is a recognized international provider of safety and emergency care and training, with thousands of educational centers and instructors worldwide.
ECSI is the only training organization with an exclusive relationship with the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), which serve as the authorizing medical bodies for ECSI.

AAOS has a long history of providing training courses and materials for emergency medical responders, which began in 1971 with the publication of Emergency Care and Transport of the Sick and Injured, the first U.S. textbook for emergency medical technicians (EMTs). Today, this book is in its eleventh edition and continues to prepare EMTs for their vital work.
ACEP, founded in 1968, is the oldest and largest emergency medicine organization in the world, recognized as the leader in emergency medicine. ACEP provides medical review and direction to all levels of ECSI programmes, from lay people to health professionals.
Both AAOS and ACEP provide input into the process of establishing national guidelines, such as those published by the American Heart Association. The medical content in all ECSI courses is consistent with the latest CPR, AED and first aid guidelines.
AAOS and ACEP believe that the quality of ECSI’s training programmes and materials is unrivalled and stand behind ECSI as an organisation in its important mission to make life-saving skills training accessible and affordable to the widest possible population.