Rule #1, Don’t become the news.. except
Humanitarian first, photojournalist second! Last week I broke one of the cardinal rules of journalism, “Don’t become the news”. I found myself in a weird position and I thought I would share that with all…
Humanitarian first, photojournalist second! Last week I broke one of the cardinal rules of journalism, “Don’t become the news”. I found myself in a weird position and I thought I would share that with all…
Protecting your digital security: The layers of risk that journalists face
I’m truly honored and humbled that my peers nominated me for a National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) award because of my journalist safety initiatives over the past few years. I am incredibly grateful to be…
Photojournalist and News Safety Advisor Chris Post featured in this recent VOA story on domestic journalist safety.
Newsgathering Safety – Risk Assessment Tool Watch this 12 Minute video on how to use my Risk Assessment Tool. This worksheet will help to plan for events or incidents that your newsroom might cover. Here…
This reporter and photojournalist found themselves a very short distance from a police involved shooting. The live-shot location was a short distance and within lethal range of the bullets being fired. Journalists need safety training!…
United Secretary-General António Guterres While addressing the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on February 22, Secretary-General António Guterres pressed the world to increase the fight against racially and ethnically motivated terrorism. Specifically in…
News Safety Update 6# — The smoke (or pepper spray) gets in your eyes! A quick pro tip on flushing. Also don’t forget if you have contacts in, remove them before flushing, preferably with a…